Thursday 8 November 2012

DISCOVER/EBSCOhost sign in accounts and "records not available"

Many thanks to those of you who sent in their account details for investigation. EBSCO have provided an explanation:
The message saying that the records are not available will show for any content saved to a folder that has been removed from the databases it was originally in. If a publisher decides they are going to update the amount of content they provide to us and we are forced to remove this content from our databases this message will display in a users folder letting them know that these records are no longer available to be accessed. Unfortunately we are unable to provide this content at this time due to our agreements with the publishers and we are at the mercy of what they would like to provide us.
In other words, the article itself has been deleted from EBSCO's database, along with the record of it in your account. We suggest that you use RefWorks to save references instead. You can easily export references from DISCOVER or EBSCOhost to your RefWorks account by adding them to a folder and then clicked "Export". 

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