Thursday, 29 November 2012

Science Direct upgrade 1st December

We've been notified that Science Direct will be upgraded on Saturday, 1st December, approx. 12.30-6.00pm, to extend Internet browser support to include Google Chrome for PC and now support Google Chrome, Safari and Firefox for Mac.

During this period some Science Direct services may be disrupted, although they are not expecting significant downtime.

Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Science Direct titles before 2004 - update

The problem with Science Direct coverage dates has now been fixed, and they should be showing correctly on DISCOVER and our A-Z journal list. There may still be some catalogue records with wrong dates for a while. As a general rule, our electronic access begins in 2004, unless the journal is listed as Open Access (which means it is freely available to anyone).

Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Science Direct journals before 2004

The Digital Library has just acquired a lot of new journals on the Science Direct platform. Our access to these journals starts from 2004 - however due to a technical problem, DISCOVER and our A-Z journal list think our access goes back earlier than this. This is causing some problems are users are directed to content they think they will be able to access, but then can't. We apologize for this inconvenience and are working to fix the problem as quickly as possible. 

Searching within EBSCO ebooks - Internet Explorer problem

We've been alerted to a technical problem when trying to search within the full text of ebooks in EBSCOhost. If using Internet Explorer, you may get this error message:
A System Problem has Occurred. 
We're sorry, your request could not be processed due an internal server error.
To continue with your session, please click here. 
There is no problem when using Firefox or Chrome, and the problem does not affect Dawsonera ebooks, which make up most of our collection. We have notified EBSCO of the problem. 
If this affects you, try switching to a different browser. 

Fraudulent email

A fraudulent email is in circulation to some University e-mail addresses, purporting to be from the Vice Chancellor. The email requests students to confirm their payment details by making a significant payment and the link takes you to a spoof BREO login page. This email is a scam, and does not come from the University. Do not make any payments as the University does not require you to confirm your payment details.

Friday, 16 November 2012

Thursday, 15 November 2012

TRILT database login problem

The TRILT : Television and radio index for learning and teaching database is currently unavailable. We are working to restore access as soon as possible.

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Changes to Springer e-journals

The journal publisher Springer is changing their e-journal platform on 16 November. The new platform should be "faster, easier to use and optimized for most mobile devices". We have access to a small set of Springer journals, and our existing links should redirect automatically to the new site. The only disruption you should notice is if you have created a personal account at My SpringerLink, as these accounts will not be migrated.

Thursday, 8 November 2012

DISCOVER/EBSCOhost sign in accounts and "records not available"

Many thanks to those of you who sent in their account details for investigation. EBSCO have provided an explanation:
The message saying that the records are not available will show for any content saved to a folder that has been removed from the databases it was originally in. If a publisher decides they are going to update the amount of content they provide to us and we are forced to remove this content from our databases this message will display in a users folder letting them know that these records are no longer available to be accessed. Unfortunately we are unable to provide this content at this time due to our agreements with the publishers and we are at the mercy of what they would like to provide us.
In other words, the article itself has been deleted from EBSCO's database, along with the record of it in your account. We suggest that you use RefWorks to save references instead. You can easily export references from DISCOVER or EBSCOhost to your RefWorks account by adding them to a folder and then clicked "Export". 

Thursday, 1 November 2012

Take part in an e-resources survey for a chance to win an iPad

Would you like to win an iPad? Do you want to help your library? How about adding your voice to a global survey about technology? If you have 15 minutes, you have enough time to participate in a global study about undergraduate students, information literacy, and e-resources. 
Participants will be automatically entered to win a brand new iPad, and
anyone who takes part in the survey will be contributing to the research on libraries and technology today. Send your questions or comments to Credo Reference.

Note - this survey is being carried out by Credo Reference and Libraries
Thriving, not by University of Bedfordshire.