Thursday, 20 December 2012

Seven day loan option for Dawsonera ebooks

You can now choose to download a Dawsonera ebook for up to 7 days, instead of 3 as previously.

SAGE Journals Mobile Vouchering

SAGE Journals are pleased to announce that in addition to mobile optimized journal sites, SAGE now offers mobile vouchering. Mobile vouchers allow users at UoB to tie their mobile device to UoB online subscriptions - allowing off campus access while on the go.
Each user’s mobile device must be vouched for individually and you can obtain a voucher following these simple step-by-step instructions:
1.   Connect to the UoB wireless network and open the mobile journal site that they would like to obtain a voucher for (for example
2.   Select “Authorize This Device”
3.   Complete the "Authenticate Mobile Device for SAGE Journals" form and click submit
4.   Copy the voucher code provided on the next screen and click on URL provided
5.   Enter the voucher code and select "Get access"

Once you’ve obtained a voucher from one journal site, you can use that voucher to access all journals based on the library’s e-access subscriptions.  Vouchers will be valid for approximately 6 months as long as the subscriptions are active.
Learn more about this new offering with our Mobile Voucher Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ). For additional support, please contact

Mobile view of American Journal of Sports Medicine

Linking from DISCOVER to Web of Knowledge - problem fixed

For some time we have been having problems linking from DISCOVER records to Web of Knowledge records. I am delighted to report that this problem is now fixed, and you can go seamlessly from DISCOVER to Web of Knowledge by clicking the "View this record from ISI Web of Science" link:
Discover record for The Crimean War - British Grand Strategy

Web of Knowledge record for The Crimean War -  British Grand Strategy

Monday, 17 December 2012

DISCOVER/EBSCOhost personalisation maintenance, Tuesday 18th December 12-3pm

We've had warning from EBSCO that they will be upgrading the personalisation features in EBSCOhost (including DISCOVER), from 12 noon on Tuesday 18th December for approximately 3 hours.

EBSCOhost databases (including DISCOVER) will continue to be available, however some functionality will be affected:

  • Personal User Authentication
  • Checkout and Download of eBooks
  • Alerts
  • Access to My EBSCOhost folder items or the ability to save items to personalized folders from session
  • RSS will be unavailable

Access to resources via UK Access Management Federation - fixed

We believe that the fault with access to UK Access Management Federation resources is now fixed. However, if you do continue to get any error messages, please let us know.

Friday, 14 December 2012

Access to resources via UK Access Management Federation

We're having intermittent problems accessing digital library resources via UK Access Management Federation links. Problems have so far been observed with FAME, XpertHR, TRILT and some Dawsonera titles. You may get an error message something like this:
Bad Gateway!
      The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server.
The proxy server could not handle the request GET /idp/profile/Shibboleth/SSO.

Reason: Error reading from remote server

We are working to solve the problem as quickly as possible.

Access to FAME off-campus

We are having issues with access to the FAME database off-campus. The on-campus link is working correctly, so please use that if you are on site. The problem has been notified to our supplier.

Friday, 7 December 2012

JISC Historic Books - technical problem

There is currently a technical problem which affects searching JISC Historic Books.

The platform was running slow yesterday and this morning and the supplier has been investigating this. At times you may now get an error message when you try to search:

“Error: performing your search. Please contact the person responsible for maintaining the site”.

The supplier will be re-booting the whole platform, so it will be unavailable for periods this afternoon.


Thursday, 6 December 2012

Proxy Error

We're getting reports of a strange error message when trying to access Digital Resources:

Proxy Error

The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server.
The proxy server could not handle the request GET /link.asp.
Reason: Error reading from remote server

This is appearing when trying to access various different resources, but not consistently. If you do get it, press the back button and try again, as the error is only happening intermittently. Pasting the URL into a different browser (e.g. Firefox, Internet Explorer or Chrome) often works.

This problem has been reported to our software supplier and hopefully it will be resolved soon.

Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Dawsonera downtime Saturday 8th December

We've had warning that Dawsonera ebooks will be unavailable from 10am to 6pm on Saturday 8th December, while the supplier performs an upgrade.