Monday, 25 February 2013

DISCOVER - problem accessing Dawsonera ebooks

We are currently having a problem with the links from DISCOVER to our Dawsonera ebooks. When you click the link "An electronic book accessible through the World Wide Web; click for information", instead of seamlessly going through to the ebook, you are getting either a security error, or being taken to the Dawsonera homepage. If this happens to you, there are still ways to get to the ebook - you can go to the Dawsonera homepage and search for the ebook by title, or you can also search by title in the Library Catalogue, which is not affected by this problem. 

We are working with our supplier to resolve this issue as soon as possible.

Friday, 15 February 2013

Web of Knowledge Maintenance: Saturday 16 Feb 14.00 - Sunday 17 Feb 02.00. Intermittent access.

We've been warned that Web of Knowledge may not be available intermittently between 2pm on Saturday 16th February and 2am on Sunday 17th.

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Refscan - new iPhone app from Web of Knowledge

Introducing Refscan Our newest free iphone app for supporting your scientific and scholarly research

powered by Web of KnowledgeSM 

RefScan lets you scan a DOI, access the references' bibliographic information and times cited counts from Web of Knowledge. You can download it here.