Tuesday, 30 July 2019

Consenting to EBSCO's data retention policy before accessing DISCOVER folder

We've had some reports recently of students not accepting EBSCO's Personal Data Retention and Usage statement below. These students now cannot access DISCOVER.

Please be aware that you do need to accept the policy in order to benefit from single sign on to EBSCO resources. If you do object, you can access DISCOVER via this alternative link, but will not get any folder or personalisation functionality. There is further information direct from EBSCO here.

Monday, 29 July 2019

Problems with new passwords not working for library systems

We are having an ongoing problem with passwords being changed at password.beds.ac.uk but not passing through to the library system. If this happens you get a message "Sorry, the information you submitted was invalid".

We are working to get this fixed as soon as possible but in the meantime if this happens to you, please either visit your library helpdesk and ask them to manually reset your library password, or email us at library.technical@beds.ac.uk and we will set you a temporary password.

Thursday, 18 July 2019

Westlaw - finding articles you can't access

Westlaw have recently updated their interface. We have had some feedback from students saying that they are now seeing lots of articles which they cannot get access to (because the library does not subscribe to that content), as in this example.

On querying this with Westlaw we have discovered that this is actually an intentional feature of the new site, and we cannot get rid of it. It seems to happen particularly when you are searching the Journals tab, rather than with other content types.

The only way to avoid seeing these results, is to use the filters to filter them out of your results list:

Tuesday, 9 July 2019

NewsBank Special Reports July 2019

NewsBank’s Special Reports are news articles, images, maps and other useful content grouped for convenience under specific topics and themes. They enable users to quickly locate information while helping them gain better insight into current global issues and events.

Following is a listing of ones that may be of particular interest at this time.

July Topics
World Health - UV Safety Awareness Month
2019 Women's World Cup Soccer
History in the News - Apollo Moon Landing
U.S. Presidential Campaign - 2020
World Politics and Government

Additional featured Reports covering current issues and events
World Economics
World Environment
World Travel and Tourism
Natural Disasters
Science and Health in the News

Each Special Report features current and retrospective coverage with new articles added daily. There are over 60 Reports to be sure the information you need is always available.

Special Reports are easily accessible from the left side bar on your online resource menu page, on search screens and the Other NewsBank Products link in full-text newspaper products.

Please view and share this video with others. It shows you how to find Special Reports, what they are and how they can be used. 


Friday, 5 July 2019

Emerald journals new website update

We think that the problems reported earlier have now been fixed, and links to Emerald content should be working correctly. But if you do notice anything odd, please let us know.

Emerald ejournals new website problems

Emerald launched their new website yesterday. Unfortunately there are a few problems accessing the new site. You may get an error message, or may find the site looks wrong (e.g. like this)

If this happens, go direct to the new site https://www.emerald.com/insight and start again. If off campus, you will need to click the Login button at the top right. Then use the Find your institution box to locate University of Bedfordshire and use your usual username and password.

We have reported these issues to Emerald and hope to have everything back to normal soon.

Thursday, 4 July 2019

Top DISCOVER searches in June

Here are the top DISCOVER searches for the last month:

Tuesday, 2 July 2019

Science Direct journal articles problem

At the moment we having some issues with error message when trying to access journal articles from the Science Direct platform. We are working to get this fixed, but if it happens to you, please try either clearing your cookies and cache and starting a new session, or, going direct to https://www.sciencedirect.com/ and searching for the article there.
If you are off campus you will need to use the Sign in option, and then choose Other institution.