Monday, 9 October 2023

Fitch Connect downtime Saturday, 14th October

We've been warned that there will be downtime for essential maintenance for Fitch Connect this Saturday, 14th October, 13.30 - 17.30

Friday, 6 October 2023

VLEbooks downtime Sunday 8th October

We have had this notice of maintenance this Sunday on the VLEbooks platform:

Please be advised that on Sunday 8th October between 4pm & 7pm our technical teams will be completing essential works to VLebooks following the outage and performance issues on 2nd October.

We anticipate that VLebooks should be offline for approximately 1 hour during this period. Please be advised we are continuing to apply access restrictions which may impact a small number of users to refresh before access is granted. We anticipate following the weekend updates and investigation these restrictions will be removed and will confirm when these have fully lifted.


We apologise for this disruption and extend our thanks to customers and users for their patience.

Thursday, 5 October 2023

Top DISCOVER searches in September

 These were the most popular searches run in DISCOVER in September: