Friday, 16 December 2011

Web of Knowledge may be disrupted Sunday 18 December, 2pm to 2am.

We've been advised of possible disruption to Web of Knowledge services on Sunday 18 December, 2pm to 2am.

Thursday, 15 December 2011

Wiley journals at risk, Saturday 17th December from 10am for up to 3 hours

There may be problems accessing journals published by Wiley at the Wiley Online Library site on Saturday 17th December from 10am for up to 3 hours. The affected journals are:

Adolescence : a developmental transition
Applied psychology : an international review
Biological reviews of the Cambridge Philosophical Society.
BJOG : an international journal of obstetrics and gynaecology.
British journal of educational studies
British journal of educational technology.
British journal of haematology
British journal of health psychology.
British journal of industrial relations.
British journal of learning disabilities.
British journal of management.
British journal of psychology.
British journal of special education.
Business ethics  :  a European review.
Business strategy review
Child & family social work
Child abuse review.
Child care, health and development.
Child development.
Children & society.
Cognitive science.
Dictionary of environmental science and technology
Dictionary of microbiology and molecular biology
Encyclopedia of cognitive science
Encyclopedia of special education : a reference for the education of children, adolescents, and adults with disabilities and other exceptional individuals
Encyclopedia of the human genome
English literary renaissance.
European journal of cancer care : the official journal of the European Oncology Nursing Society.
European journal of dental education.
European journal of social psychology.
Family process.
Festival and special event management
Fiscal studies
Health & social care in the community.
Higher education quarterly
Human resource development quarterly
Human resource management journal.
Human resource management.
Industrial relations journal
Information systems journal
International journal of intelligent systems
International journal of management reviews.
International journal of nursing practice.
International journal of tourism research.
Journal of advanced nursing.
Journal of applied research in intellectual disabilities : JARID.
Journal of business finance & accounting.
Journal of child psychology and psychiatry and allied disciplines.
Journal of clinical nursing.
Journal of common market studies.
Journal of community & applied social psychology
Journal of family therapy.
Journal of forensic sciences.
Journal of human nutrition and dietetics
Journal of neuropsychology.
Journal of nursing management.
Journal of nursing scholarship : an official publication of Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing
Journal of occupational and organizational psychology.
Journal of organizational behavior.
Journal of personality.
Journal of psychiatric and mental health nursing.
Journal of research in special educational needs.
Language learning.
Learning in adulthood : a comprehensive guide
Legal and criminological psychology.
Medical education.
Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development.
New technology, work, and employment
Paediatric and perinatal epidemiology.
Pastoral care in education.
Perspectives in psychiatric care
Psychology and psychotherapy : theory, research and practice.
Research in nursing & health
Saving mothers' lives : reviewing maternal deaths to make motherhood safer, 2006-2008
Scandinavian journal of medicine & science in sports.
Securing e-business systems : a guide for managers and executives
Social policy & administration.
Sociology of health & illness.
Strategic change
Strategic management journal.
Strategic market management
Support for learning.
System dynamics review.
Systems research and behavioral science.
Teaching statistics
The British journal of clinical psychology.
The British journal of developmental psychology.
The British journal of educational psychology.
The British journal of mathematical & statistical psychology.
The British journal of social psychology.
The British journal of sociology.
The clinical teacher.
The Cochrane library
The international journal of art & design education
The Journal of finance.
The Journal of management studies.
The Modern law review.
The Sociological review.

Friday, 9 December 2011

Science Direct ejournals at risk, Sunday 11th December 12.30pm-1.30am

There may be some disruption to our Science Direct ejournals on Sunday 11th December from 12.30pm-1.30am.  The journals that may be affected are:

Accident and emergency nursing.
Annals of tourism research.
Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation.
Archives of psychiatric nursing
BJOG : an international journal of obstetrics and gynaecology.
Cognitive psychology.
Complementary therapies in clinical practice.
Complementary therapies in medicine.
Computer law and security review.
Computers & security.
Critical perspectives on accounting.
Data & knowledge engineering.
Decision support systems.
Digital investigation
European management journal.
Fuzzy sets and systems.
Gait & posture.
Human movement science.
Industrial marketing management.
Information & management.
Intensive and critical care nursing.
Interacting with computers.
International business review.
International emergency nursing.
International journal of hospitality management.
International journal of human-computer studies.
International journal of information management.
International journal of intercultural relations : IJIR.
International journal of nursing studies.
International journal of orthopaedic and trauma nursing.
International journal of research in marketing.
Journal of accounting education.
Journal of air transport management.
Journal of banking & finance.
Journal of bodywork and movement therapies.
Journal of business venturing
Journal of emergency nursing : JEN.
Journal of financial economics.
Journal of interactive marketing.
Journal of international accounting, auditing & taxation.
Journal of neonatal nursing : JNN.
Journal of pain and symptom management.
Journal of perianesthesia nursing.
Journal of pragmatics.
Journal of science and medicine in sport.
Journal of transport geography.
Journal of world business : JWB.
Learning and instruction.
Management accounting research / CIMA .
Manual therapy.
Neural networks
Nurse education in practice.
Nurse education today.
Personality and individual differences.
Physical therapy in sport.
Preventive medicine.
Psychology of sport and exercise.
Public health.
Seminars in oncology nursing.
Simulation modelling practice and theory.
The British accounting review.
The Journal of hospital infection.
The journal of strategic information systems.
Tourism management.
Trends in biotechnology.
Trends in pharmacological sciences.

Friday, 2 December 2011

ProQuest databases at risk, Sunday 3am-3pm

A number of databases on the new ProQuest platform will be at risk on Sunday Dec 4th, 3am-3pm.

These databases may be unavailable:
These databases may be unavailable on the ProQuest platform, but should continue to be available on the old platforms:

Welcome to the University of Bedfordshire Digital Library blog.

Welcome to the University of Bedfordshire Digital Library blog.  We will use this space to share news about all of our digital library resources.