Friday 9 December 2011

Science Direct ejournals at risk, Sunday 11th December 12.30pm-1.30am

There may be some disruption to our Science Direct ejournals on Sunday 11th December from 12.30pm-1.30am.  The journals that may be affected are:

Accident and emergency nursing.
Annals of tourism research.
Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation.
Archives of psychiatric nursing
BJOG : an international journal of obstetrics and gynaecology.
Cognitive psychology.
Complementary therapies in clinical practice.
Complementary therapies in medicine.
Computer law and security review.
Computers & security.
Critical perspectives on accounting.
Data & knowledge engineering.
Decision support systems.
Digital investigation
European management journal.
Fuzzy sets and systems.
Gait & posture.
Human movement science.
Industrial marketing management.
Information & management.
Intensive and critical care nursing.
Interacting with computers.
International business review.
International emergency nursing.
International journal of hospitality management.
International journal of human-computer studies.
International journal of information management.
International journal of intercultural relations : IJIR.
International journal of nursing studies.
International journal of orthopaedic and trauma nursing.
International journal of research in marketing.
Journal of accounting education.
Journal of air transport management.
Journal of banking & finance.
Journal of bodywork and movement therapies.
Journal of business venturing
Journal of emergency nursing : JEN.
Journal of financial economics.
Journal of interactive marketing.
Journal of international accounting, auditing & taxation.
Journal of neonatal nursing : JNN.
Journal of pain and symptom management.
Journal of perianesthesia nursing.
Journal of pragmatics.
Journal of science and medicine in sport.
Journal of transport geography.
Journal of world business : JWB.
Learning and instruction.
Management accounting research / CIMA .
Manual therapy.
Neural networks
Nurse education in practice.
Nurse education today.
Personality and individual differences.
Physical therapy in sport.
Preventive medicine.
Psychology of sport and exercise.
Public health.
Seminars in oncology nursing.
Simulation modelling practice and theory.
The British accounting review.
The Journal of hospital infection.
The journal of strategic information systems.
Tourism management.
Trends in biotechnology.
Trends in pharmacological sciences.

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