Osiris has information on listed, and major unlisted/delisted, companies around the world. The information is very detailed and includes a lot more than financial reports. Different templates are used to show accounts in the correct formats for their company type and location. From their website:
Osiris is easy to use and helps you navigate company information quickly and easily.
- Company financials in a standardised and “as reported” formats
- Restated reports
- Ratings
- SEC filings via Edgar Online and other regulatory filings
- Searchable corporate actions and dividends
- Detailed earnings estimates and buy/sell recommendations
- Country profiles and outlook from the EIU
- Directors and contacts
- Images of annual and interim reports plus corporate and social responsibility documents
- Detailed stock data
- Detailed corporate structures
- Market research
- Business and company-related news
- M&A deals and rumours
- Directors section including biographies
- Very detailed information on companies’ activities
Worldwide coverage - approaching 80,000 companies.
- Search by hundreds of criteria – you can search by trends and over multiple years
- Do a detailed financial analysis on a company
- Access a wealth of complementary information such as M&A deals and rumours, news and market research
- Refer to original filings using our library of scanned images
- Illustrate financials with our easy-to create graphs
- Search across corporate actions
- Monitor companies using our alert system
- Look at a company’s corporate structure in a tree diagram and find all companies with the same parent
- Create and analyse peer groups
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