Wednesday, 7 January 2015

Pearson ebooks on Dawsonera - read online only

The publisher Pearson has changed its position on the use of its ebooks on Dawsonera. As of Monday 12 January, Pearson ebooks will only be available to read online, not to download to your device. If the ebook you are using is affected, you will see a message like this:

This change is not something that we are able to control. However, it only affects around 180 ebooks out of the over 6000 we have accessible on Dawsonera.


  1. Libraries must stop wasting resources purchasing access to Pearson titles till this counterproductive decision is reversed.

    It basically contradicts the very idea of libraries lending reading material to patrons.

    1. Libraries would love to. But our academics keep putting them on their reading lists.


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