Thursday, 26 March 2015

Web of Science/EndNote Online - personalised account disruption, 29th March 2015

Sunday, March 29th 2015 - minor disruption to the 'Personalisation login' (TR registered email address and password accounts), for Web of Science, EndNote Online, ResearcherID, and InCites.
Expected Downtime* = 30 minutes.
Maintenance Window = 1:00 PM, BST to 4:00 PM, BST.
Users previously logged in are not expected to experience any issues, however during the downtime users will be unable to login to the applications using these accounts.

Information on Personalisation and registration at:

Gale Virtual Reference Library enhancements coming soon

Gale have notified us of enhancements to the Gale Virtual Reference Library database, going live on 2nd April. This should provide increased accessibility for people with disabilities, and better display and user experience on all devices. You can preview the new design here.

Saturday, 21 March 2015

Web of Science/Endnote maintenance (personal accounts only) Sunday 22nd March

Thomson Reuters have advised of two upcoming minor disruptions to the 'Personalisation login' (TR registered email address and password accounts), for Web of Science and EndNote Online.

Users previously logged in are not expected to experience any issues, however during the downtime users will be unable to login to the applications using these accounts.

Thomson Reuters apologise for any inconvenience due as a result.

Expected Maintenance Dates and Times:
Sunday, March 22nd.
                Expected Downtime* = 30 minutes.
                Maintenance Window = 12:00 AM, GMT to 3:00 PM, GMT.

Friday, 20 March 2015

Wiley journals downtime Saturday 21st March

We've been warned of disruption to our Wiley e-journals on Saturday March 21, 2015 from 10am for up to 10 hours. This will affect journals with in the URL.

Monday, 16 March 2015

Blocked accounts and DISCOVER

We get quite a few queries from people finding that they can't access DISCOVER or other digital library resources because their library accounts have been blocked. If you find yourself unable to log in to DISCOVER or other databases, it's probably one of two things:

  1. You have very overdue books (more than 5 weeks since the due date)
  2. You have more than £22 in fines on your account
If you log into your library account you'll be able to see exactly what you have on loan and when it's due back, and what you owe. There's more information on our policies and how to pay off your fines on our website.

If your account is clear, and you still can't log on to digital library resources, then let us know and we'll investigate further.

VLeBooks Platform maintenance Monday 16th March from 8pm

Due to planned annual maintenance, the VLeBooks platform will be unavailable, for up to two hours, on Monday 16th March 2015. The planned maintenance will begin at 8.00 pm.

This will affect all ebooks with in the URL. 

Saturday, 14 March 2015

Westlaw downtime Sunday 15 March

We've been warned of downtime for Westlaw from 12 am to 6 am on Sunday 15th March:

we would like to inform you that we are planning a system outage for the Westlaw UK service, allowing for essential maintenance to be undertaken.

The work is scheduled to begin at 12:00 am (GMT) Sunday, 15 March, 2015 in an effort to keep any possible disruption to a minimum. The maintenance will take several hours to complete, during which the Westlaw UK service will be unavailable. The full service is expected to be restored by 6:00 am (GMT) Sunday, 15 March, 2015.

Although we have planned this system outage during a typical period of low usage, we would like to apologise for the inconvenience this may cause to users.

Thursday, 12 March 2015

Newsbank link problems from DISCOVER

We are having some problems with links to Newsbank articles from DISCOVER. You may end up with an error message "We're sorry, this account doesn't have permission to access this document.". If that happens, you can try a search directly in Newsbank, but if that doesn't work, please let us know the details. We are pursuing this with our suppliers but the more information we can gather about what isn't working, the better.