Wednesday, 22 April 2015


DISCOVER providers EBSCO have made a change to the way in which "My EBSCOhost" passwords are created, in order to make accounts more secure. If you set up a new account, or change your password, you will have to choose one that is acceptably strong. They've given us this guidance:
Our system determines password strength based on a variety of criteria, using an algorithm to determine the strength of the password entered. Key attributes that our algorithm considers include:
  • Length of the password
  • Types of characters entered (i.e. case, numerals, punctuation)
  • Word-like patterns embedded in the password
Due to the complexity and number of possibilities, we are unable to provide specific requirements for a strong password. However, as you begin to enter a value into the password field, the strength indicator will reflect how strong your password is using both color and strength value (red=weak vs. green=strong). When your password meets the requirements, the indicator displays that your password is strong and you can retype the password in the next field to confirm it. 
Please be aware that My EBSCOhost accounts are managed by EBSCO, not by the university, and we cannot change or retrieve passwords for you. Also, as the database covers users in many universities and colleges around the world, it is quite likely that your first choice of username will already be taken and you will have to use an alternative.

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