Thursday, 16 July 2015

Dawsonera ebooks - problem downloading ebooks in Chrome

This issue will only affect you if you use the download option in Dawsonera, rather than reading online, and use the Chrome browser.

Chrome has made a change to the default application for opening PDFs. It now tries to open them using Chrome, instead of Adobe Reader by default.

There is a way around the problem. Go to the downloaded file (search for downloads on your task bar) and right-click the file, then 'open with Adobe Reader'.

Alternatively, you can go into the plugins for Chrome (to do that just paste 'chrome://plugins/' into the URL bar) and disable the "Chrome PDF viewer" which stops this from happening. Unfortunately there is a side effect to this: it causes the online reader to function incorrectly in Chrome. However, if the you do not use the online reader and download the majority of content then this would probably be a good option.

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