In particular, the look of the right-hand section of the screen has changed completely. This is the area we use to highlight resources which aren't included in the main DISCOVER index (usually because the publisher doesn't want to co-operate). We used to have DISCOVER run live searches in some other databases, and you could then click the link and see the results. But we found 3 problems with this:
- the live searches didn't work a lot of the time
- some publishers wouldn't let us do searches this way at all
- hardly anyone clicked on the links anyway
Where we can, we've added links which allow you to transfer your search term out of DISCOVER and into another database. When you click, you leave the DISCOVER interface and go out into the new database, with your search already done for you.
We have a separate widget which lets you do the same thing with Web of Science.
And where we can't export search terms, we have simple links out to other useful databases. (Here's a full list of databases not in DISCOVER.)
We're always interested to know what you think about DISCOVER so please let us know if you have any feedback or problems.
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