Friday, 30 June 2017

NewsBank Special Reports - July 2017

NewsBank’s Special Reports are news articles, images, maps and other useful content grouped for convenience under specific topics and themes. They enable users to quickly locate information while helping them gain better insight into current global issues and events.

July Topics
World Economics
World Health
World Politics and Government
World Terrorism and Conflict
World Travel and Tourism

Additional featured Reports covering current issues and events
Issues in the News
Mental Health
World Environment
Science and Health in the News

Each Special Report features current and retrospective coverage with new articles added daily. They constitute a unique value to your users and are included with your
NewsBank subscription. There are over 60 Reports to be sure the information you need is always available.

Special Reports are easily accessible from the left side bar on your online resource menu page, on search screens and the Other NewsBank Products link in full-text newspaper products.

Please view and share this video with others. It shows you how to find Special Reports, what they are and how they can be used.

Tuesday, 27 June 2017

What’s new in Web of Science

If you're a Web of Science user, check out this video about recent updates.

Monday, 26 June 2017

Login to ebooks, RefWorks and UKAMF resources

We believe that the problem with login to login to UK Access Management Federation resources (including Dawsonera and VLEbooks and RefWorks) is now fixed. However, if you have any problems, please let us know.

Friday, 23 June 2017

Login problems to ebooks, RefWorks and UKAMF resources - a workaround

The problem is not yet fully fixed but ICT have come up with a workaround. This is what they say:

Dear Colleagues,
This notice concerns the University's Shibboleth service, required for logging in to services which include Library journals, e-books, RefWorks and other UK Access Management Federation resources.
This service has been unavailable due to an equipment fault and we are working with our maintainers to remedy the problem as soon as possible.
The following workaround is in place, but it requires users to accept a certificate warning message by clicking on "Advanced" and "Proceed to"

Please see below:

Once you have clicked "Proceed.." you will be taken to a login form where you can enter you normal username and password to access the required service.

We apologise for any inconvenience caused and will continue to work on the underlying problem as a priority.

Web of Science Upgrade to version 5.25 - Maintenance Sunday 25 June 2017 from 13.00

Web of Science Upgrade to version 5.25 - Maintenance Sunday 25 June 2017.

Please be advised that
Web of Science is undergoing scheduled maintenance on Sunday June 25, from 13.00 (BST) to Monday June 26, at 01.00 (BST).
During this time, access to the service may be intermittent and the service should be considered at risk during the maintenance period.
Clarivate Analytics apologise for any inconvenience as a result.

During the maintenance period there will also be an upgrade of
Web of Science to version 5.25

For information on the new features of the WoS upgrade (including screenshots) please see the WoS Release notes at:

Features include:
* Modernised discovery workfows.
* Enriched analytics workfows.
* Expanded and updated data.
* Improved Product Quality.

Thursday, 22 June 2017

Monday, 19 June 2017

Services at risk Wednesday 21st June

ICT are doing some upgrade work during Wednesday 21st June which will affect a range of services including our login to UK Access Management Federation resources (such as ebooks via Dawsonera and VLebooks and RefWorks), Webprint, Bookaroom, and Bookapc. We expect a brief interruption of less than 10 minutes. If you are affected, you are advised to wait and try again a little later.

Friday, 16 June 2017

BREO Offline for upgrade 14 July from 22:30 for 12 hours

We've been warned that BREO will be offline for its summer upgrade on Friday 14th July 2017 for 12 hours downtime beginning at 22:30 PM BST