Web of Science released a new version on 10th December - here's what they have to say about it:
Discover More Open Access!
Web of Science users will now be able to discover millions
more open access articles amongst the content they already search
every day—and they can be confident that they are discovering links to
the final, trusted version of an article, from the journals that meet
our high editorial standards for Web of Science Core Collection,
our specialized index collections and those of our regional partners.
Web of Science is the world’s first research platform to
implement this OA discovery technology, resulting from our partnership with
You will see a new filter for Gold (including Gold Hybrid), Green
Published, and Green Accepted OA:
(Note: Number of open access records
available will depend on your institutional Web of Science collection
Simpler Navigation – Helping you get
what's most important to you more quickly
We’ve redesigned your view of search results sorting
options—making them easier to access. Sort now with a single click, by:
Date, Times Cited, Usage Count, and Relevance… or click the drop down
to reveal all available options.
Key Metrics at a glance: Better
visibility of the Citation Network within the full record
A newly redesigned full record view presents a clean and
easy-to-read view of an article’s Citation Network and Usage Counts.
Easily see newly added content that cites the current content with the
Times Cited link, and the research that influenced the current article
with the Cited References link.
Better visibility into what research
is of most interest to users of the Web of Science
An updated look of the article-level widget will now show
you how users of the Web of Science globally are interacting
with an article. If a Web of Science user anywhere in the world
has clicked through to access the full text of the publication,
downloaded the article data to EndNote or other bibliographic
software, or saved the data to a file, it registers as a use. This is a
great way to find relevant, useful articles that may have fewer
citations because they’re simply new or may be in fields of research
that have lower citation counts overall.
Be the first to know...Web of Science
now indexes Early Access articles
Web of Science is now working with publishers to index
Early Access publications – these are final, accepted versions of
articles that have a static DOI and online publication date, but do not
yet have final volume, issue or page numbers.
They will be given an "Early Access" document type in the Web
of Science Core Collection, which will allow you to search, filter,
and easily identify these articles as early access.
Now get your Web of Science search
alerts DAILY!
You will be able to now receive Web of Science Core
Collection search alerts daily in addition to weekly or monthly –
save your search and have the results emailed to your Inbox.
What's new? For more details on these
enhancements and other Clarivate Analytics news, visit this LibGuide.
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