Tuesday, 5 June 2018

Problems accessing folders in DISCOVER/EBSCO databases - further update

We are aware that some users are still unable to access their folders in DISCOVER/Ebsco databases. We and many other libraries have reported the problem to EBSCO and are awaiting a complete solution. Meanwhile, this is a suggested procedure which may allow you to recover access to your folder:

1) Log into DISCOVER via the following link: http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?authtype=shib&custid=s5099118&profile=eds. For this you will need your UoB student number and your normal student password.

2) Click on Sign in

You will see the following screen:

3) Input your EBSCO username (created when you originally created the account) and click on “Forgot your password?”

If you cannot remember your EBSCO username, we suggest trying your UoB student number. If this does not work, please contact library.technical@beds.ac.uk giving your name, student number and any e-mail address you might have used to set the account up. We may be able to retrieve your username.

4) You will be shown a Reset your Password screen:

Put in your EBSCO username, as before and click “Reset”.

5) You should now be shown your secret question (this will vary depending on what you set):

This should enable you to reset your password.

6) Once you have your EBSCO username and new password, try logging in with this.

7) If you are still unable to log on and get the message “an unknown error occurred during your login attempt”, please try signing in at: https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?authtype=user with your EBSCO username and new password.

8) If you are still unable to sign in please contact library.technical@beds.ac.uk giving your name, student number and e-mail address.

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